Why are Whole Foods Important and What is Whole Food Capture?

Whole foods are the best possibility of preserving what nature intended for us to use as fuel or perhaps another way to say that is our bodies have adapted over a long period of time to minimally processed foods from nature.  It’s really only over the last 100 years where the food supply has become very processed and potentially toxic for a body that is usually not getting the nutrition it needs to thrive.

Whole foods and methods for preserving the nutritional value of whole foods need to help transform our current failing food supply chain.  Every year our food gets less and less nutritious without chemical enrichment.  BIOSF.Co aims to offer a new set of solutions on how you can get exposure to whole foods.

Making a Case for Whole Foods in Your Diet

Nutrient synergy: The Entourage Effect: Whole foods contain a complex array of nutrients that work together synergistically. This means that the combination of nutrients found in whole foods often provides greater health benefits compared to isolated nutrients found in supplements. For example, the vitamin C in an orange works in conjunction with other compounds in the fruit to enhance its absorption and effectiveness.

Bioavailability: Nutrients in whole foods are typically more readily absorbed and utilized by the body compared to those in isolated supplements. Whole foods contain natural forms of nutrients along with other substances that aid in absorption. For instance, the fiber in fruits and vegetables can slow down the digestion of carbohydrates, leading to a more gradual release of sugars into the bloodstream and preventing spikes in blood sugar levels.

Phytonutrients and antioxidants: Whole foods are rich in phytonutrients and antioxidants, which have numerous health benefits, including reducing inflammation, supporting the immune system, and protecting against chronic diseases like cancer and heart disease. Many of these beneficial compounds are not present in isolated nutrient supplements.

Reduced risk of nutrient toxicity: Consuming nutrients in their natural form from whole foods reduces the risk of overdosing on particular nutrients, which can happen with high-dose supplements. While it's rare to overdose on nutrients from food alone, it's easier to do so with concentrated supplements.

Disease Prevention and Management: A diet rich in whole foods has been associated with a lower risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, obesity, certain cancers, and neurodegenerative disorders. The diverse array of phytochemicals, antioxidants, and other bioactive compounds found in whole foods have protective effects against inflammation, oxidative stress, and cellular damage, which are underlying factors in many chronic diseases.

Sustainability and Environmental Impact: Whole foods, particularly plant-based options, tend to have a lower environmental footprint compared to heavily processed foods and animal products. Choosing whole foods, especially locally grown and seasonal varieties, supports sustainable agricultural practices, reduces greenhouse gas emissions, minimizes food waste, and conserves natural resources like water and soil.

BIOSF.Co is Using Patented Extraction Technology to Advance Whole Food Capture Supplementation and Body Balance

All of our formulas are crafted using a patented ‘conductance extraction’ technology. This innovative process enhances the bioavailability of the plant material, delivering essential nutrition, phytonutrients, and flavor in a form more readily assimilated by the body. 

This patented delivery system transforms fresh whole plants into stable, dried emulsifications, boasting an extended shelf life of approximately three years. This is what we call 'Whole Food Capture'.  These water dispersible extractions facilitate rapid bioavailability within the body without inducing strain on your liver typically associated with conventional nano delivery systems or oil-based supplements.

BIOSF.Co takes the best of what nature has to offer and combines these nutraceuticals for maximum effect.  These time-tested formulas with the addition of full spectrum hemp extract have unlocked a whole new arena of health exploration.  Also, while no product is a replacement for having a diet full of nutritional whole food, we at BIOSF.Co recognize that everyone’s diet needs a little help to balance your body.